Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No-words Wednesday - SNAKES!!

Today I thought since I'm busy editing and don't have any reviews or guest posts or anything, I'd share some pictures of some beautiful snakes with you all.  I think 'Wordless Wednesday' is someone's meme, and I don't want to step on any toes, so I hope "No-words Wednesday" is an acceptable alternative.  Now, some lovely snakes!  Oh, and if you have any idea what type of snake any of these are, please post in the comments!  I'm just trying to find pictures of pretty snakes that are uncopyrighted, and they aren't always labeled!  See also the 10 Most Beautiful Snakes in the World.


  1. Tabitha Ormiston-SmithJune 26, 2013 at 4:54 AM

    How beautiful! Especially the picture second from the bottom. The one above has prettier skin, but this one has such a lovely face.

    1. I'm fairly sure the picture 2nd from the bottom is a Rainbow Boa, and they are some of my most favorite. In the sun their skin is iridescent and shimmers with rainbows! The bottom snakes are some type of adder, based on their head shape. I'd REALLY like to know what the 2nd from the top is, that has to be one of the most beautifully colored snakes I've ever seen!

  2. Nice! Despite their beauty, I'm still not going to get close to any of those snake. =D

    1. Most of those are harmless, I think. although the very colorful ones on the bottom are some type of adder or viper, so yeah, best to keep your distance from those. I have no idea what that beautiful, multi-colored one is, but the second from the bottom is a rainbow boa, which is a fairly harmless snake as long as you handle them with respect. I just love looking at them!

      Thanks for commenting!


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