Followers of Now is Gone may remember that I recently unveiled the new cover for Daniel Black's first book in the Saga of the New Gods, Be Careful What you Wish For, which combines the original first two books (Be Careful What you Wish For and The Horror of Magic) into one book. That book is now live on Smashwords, and you can go there and pick it up by following the link on the title or the cover image to the left. HOWEVER... Because it's my blogversary, I'm going to give away five (5) copies of this e-book to my followers! You'll receive a Smashwords coupon if you are one of the lucky winners. These are books I edited, and they are good. In fact, you can see my review for the first one (the original first one) here, because I read and reviewed the book before I edited it the first time. You can see my review for the second part of the book (the original second book) here, which I wrote after I edited it.
Anyway, without further ado, here is the giveaway. I'll draw my five winners in a week! While you're here, this is a busy day. Check out my two cover reveals, guest post, book feature, and other giveaway while you're here! You can find links to the right, in the post listing.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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