Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cover Reveal: Saga of the New Gods Vol. 1 "Be Careful what you Wish For" by Daniel Black

I am just pleased as punch to present the new cover for the first book in Daniel Black's Saga of the New Gods Be Careful What you Wish For (he took it down until the cover was finalized, so that link will take you to the Goodreads page for now). This is a book with which I have quite a history! First I read and reviewed it (and you can see that review here). Based on my feedback, Daniel Black had me edit this book and then re-released it, and had me edit the second book in the series, The Horror of Magic as well. These books are just so much fun! Here is the synopsis of this one:


You never know what you might find in the back corner of a pawn shop…

Michelle enters a shop expecting to find a wedding band for her love, and instead finds a ring that can and will change everything about the world she knows, and will also teach her the value of the phrase “Be careful what you wish for."

What I love about this story is that Daniel has taken the idea of role-players remaking the world in their own image to a terrific new place, and if you were a role-player, or if you are interested in what magic might do to the modern world, or just like love a terrific fantasy, these books are definitely for you. I'll make an announcement when this book is again available!


  1. Way to go, Katy! I love that you are making books better! --


    1. As it turned out, I learned from Daniel after I posted this that he has actually combined the first two stories into a single book, so it's longer. I'll update the correct info when I post about a re-release date.

  2. Sounds awesome! While I'm not a beard fan, the cover is otherwise definitely delish. LOL

    1. Oh, his beard was only just starting to grow at this point. Find out why he's becoming hirsute at a rapid pace in the book! :-)


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