Thursday, April 4, 2013

Attention Writers and Poets!: ChiZine Publications Rannu Fund Submissions now open!

I just learned that the 2013 CZP (ChiZine Publications)/Rannu Fund Award is now open to submissions of fiction and poetry through May 31, 2013.  I had been told the following by the ChiZine representative. 

 Cory Doctorow and Neil Gaiman are the tie-breaking judges for fiction and poetry, respectively! 
So, if you want to submit something to the contest, here is where you should go.

According to that site, here is some info about the contest.

In Memoriam
Erich Rannu
January 2, 1922 - April 4, 2013 
Founded July 8, 2008 by Sandra Kasturi and Brett Alexander Savory, co-publishers of ChiZine Publications and ChiZine: Treatments of Light and Shadin Words in honour of the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Sandra's mother and step-father, and their contributions to the arts and education both in Canada and Estonia.
 The Fund, brought to you in collaboration with ChiZine Publications, offers two awards per year of $500 CDN each, one for fiction, one for poetry, granted to two writers of speculative literature (i.e., science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, surrealism, etc.), of any nationality/place of residence, at any stage of their career. Please see the guidelines for more information. 

For more information, see the Entry Rules page here. Or click on the guidelines link above.

And if you enter?  Best of luck!

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