So, I fully expect to finish the manuscript I'm editing tonight and had planned to do Randy Attwood's Then and Now: the Harmony of the Instantaneous All during the rest of the week, in preparation for offering it as POD (Print on Demand). (Awesome book, by the way - you can read my review, written about a year ago, here if you are curious.) Well, due to my myriad health issues, I simply cannot work two weeks' solid, which is what it would end up being if I did all of this, so unfortunately Randy's book will be somewhat delayed so I can take a couple days off before working on this other book this weekend, which I'm only doing because it is so urgent and I know I need to look at it again.
This is problematic, because I have a crapton (metric, not Roman) of books to get read before Samhain, but I need the money I get from editing to make sure all the bills stay paid. So, anyone expecting reviews, I'm doing my best, but things ... are.... slowing..... down. Sorry.
*runs back onstage* Seriously, I do apologize about the continuing slow-down on my reviews. I've just had a huge glut of editing lately, between new manuscripts and second passes. I'm hoping to get one free week in October to try to catch up a little bit.
You guys are all the greatest! Thanks for your continuing support.
Sorry to hear about it. I've been bogged down too, so understand. Good luck and get feeling better.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Weston - I'd be in even worse shape if it weren't for you! You rock! (and if I have a breakdown, I'm sending everyone to you...)