Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Review: Eye of the Sword

Eye of the Sword
Eye of the Sword by Karyn Henley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Info: Genre: Fantasy/Christian fiction
Reading Level: Young Adult
Recommended for: People seeking family-friendly fantasy, those who enjoy epic fantasy
Trigger Warnings: Murder, violence

My Thoughts: I'm finding I'm very much enjoying this story, especially after how dark the last series I read was. While this is not exactly light—there are people being killed and enslaved after all—it is much lighter than the last, and the family-friendly nature of it means that the violence is not as bad, and the overall feeling is much more hopeful. Again, while this is labeled as Christian fiction, those who normally avoid such should still enjoy this book; there is no preachiness, and it is a remarkably tolerant and easygoing version of faith in this book. I'm really enjoying this series. I have one more book to go, Throat of the Night, but since I am scheduled on a blog tour for that one on Friday, the review for that one will be delayed until then. I'll be reading it next, however, so you'll just have to wait a couple days for the review. Recommended.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the Amazon Vine program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Series Information: Eye of the Sword is book 2 in the Angelaeon Circle, published in June 2012.
Book 1: Breath of Angel, published in June 2011 (review linked here where formatting allowed)
Book 3: Throat of the Night, published in March 2013 (to be reviewed soon)

Synopsis: In Camrithia, a land of shadows and mystical secrets, Trevin lives to serve King Laetham. But his heart belongs to the princess, Melaia. When the King sends Trevin on on a dangerous quest to find the missing comains—captains in the king’s army—he must leave Melaia to the advances of a swaggering Dregmoorian prince. 

Challenged to prove his worth, Trevin throws himself into his quest. Striving to prove his love, Trevin undertakes a second mission—find the harps Melaia seeks in order to restore the stairway to heaven. Through fire caves, rogue winds, and murderous threats, Trevin remains steadfastly dedicated to his quest—even when he is falsely accused of a heinous crime. As Trevin’s time runs out, he realizes he must face the shame and horror of his own past and the nightmare that has come to life. Will he have the courage to finish what he has started?

View all my reviews


  1. Replies
    1. So far so good! It's a trilogy, but the 3rd review won't be posted until Friday, for the blog tour. Then a guest post on Saturday, so watch for it! A new giveaway is going up tomorrow, too, for Sharon Bayliss' new book and some swag...


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