Monday, December 3, 2012

Giveaway: Tabitha Ormiston-Smith two-pack "Gift of Continence" and "Perspectives on a Dragon"

This week I'm giving away five two-packs of e-books by Tabitha Ormiston-Smith. I just finished reading this books - Perspectives on a Dragon (review here) and Gift of Continence (review here) (links are to - if you shop Amazon from a different region, my apologies).

Tabitha has a great writing style, and while Gift of Continence wasn't my cuppa, it was a well-written book that I think many people will enjoy. And Perspectives on a Dragon left me in stitches - hilarious!

So, sign up for my giveaway - you can have an extra entry for following my blog (a freebie for those who already follow). The giveaway will end at midnight next Sunday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Katy:
    I tried to enter, but it just kept spinning around. Good luck, and hope this counts as an entry!
    Regards, William

    1. I guess they must have "updated" Rafflecopter - I never used to have any problems with it, but the past month ... *sigh* I'm trying to check right now, and if the entry didn't show up, I'll make sure to add you! Thanks!

  2. Katy, The Rafflecopter is working now. Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity!



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