Thursday, June 7, 2012

Review: Make Me

Make Me
Make Me by Parker Blue

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Info: Genre: Urban Fantasy Reading Level: Young Adult

Disclosure: I received an eGalley of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Synopsis: Shapiro has a secret she’s desperate to keep—she’s lost her slayer powers. As the new guardian of the Encyclopedia Magicka, Val expected the books to give her powers to replace those that disappeared after she lost her “V card” to Shade. But the encyclopedia exacts a price for every spell, making the job of guardian a tricky proposition.

When a rogue demon kidnaps Val’s roommate Gwen and Micah, leader of the San Antonio Demon Underground, Val is plunged into the middle of a Solomon’s Choice. The rogue wants the dangerously potent Encyclopedia Magicka in exchange for her friends’ lives; the succubus leader of the Demon Underground in Austin is demanding the books be destroyed rather than let them fall into the wrong hands and wants Shade for herself, swearing to do everything she can to prevent Val’s turning over the books.

The kidnapping isn’t the only crisis Val faces. She’s been betrayed by Fang. Demons and vampires are disappearing. The vamps of the New Blood Movement are forcing Val to keep the terms of her agreement to work for them to combat this new threat.

The Demon Underground is challenging Micah's leadership, and everyone is depending on a now-powerless Val to set things right. Val needs all the help she can get. Even if it means forgiving Fang and spending time with a dangerously sexy cowboy-vampire.

My Thoughts: I was really happy to get this from NetGalley in time to read right after I’d finished the first three.

Wow, so Parker Blue mentioned after the 2nd book that she planned to “do another and maybe a 4th,” but the way she left this one, I’ll be terribly disappointed if she doesn’t write another one; this book ends with quite a mess on Val’s hands. I certainly hope things aren’t going to be left like that! Thank goodness - I just checked and she intends to continue the series whew.

Does that give you an idea of how much I love these books? An interesting note on the series as a whole – the entire series has taken place, so far, over the course of just a few months. The first book, Bite Me, started at her birthday, which was a bit before Samhain, and this latest book ends right after midnight on Christmas of the same year. That’s a lot of action and happenings in a young girl’s life over not much time, and Val has grown tremendously. Also, hellhound puppies on the way – yay! Hopefully they’ll make an appearance in the next book.

I highly recommend all these books to the folks who enjoy urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of all kinds. I’ve only seen one negative review on each book so far (probably the same person), so a lot of people seem to agree with me. Check ‘em out, why don’t ya?

View all my reviews

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