Sunday, June 10, 2012

Review: The Breakaway

The Breakaway
The Breakaway by Michelle Davidson Argyle

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Info: Genre: Suspense Reading Level: Young Adult

Disclosure: I received a free ebook ARC from Rhemalda Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Synopsis: When Naomi Jensen is kidnapped, it takes her parents two days to realize she’s missing. Escape isn’t high on her list of priorities when all she has to return to is an abusive boyfriend and parents who never paid much attention to her. For the first time in her life she’s part of a family—even if it is a family of criminals. But she’s still a captive. In a desperate attempt to regain some control in her life, Naomi embarks on a dangerous plan to make one of her kidnappers think she’s falling in love with him. The plan works too well, and when faced with the chance to escape, Naomi isn’t sure she wants to take it.

My Thoughts: I loved Ms. Argyle’s book, Monarch, which I read last fall. So, after reading the Puzzle Lands books, I wanted to read something lighter, but the one I was thinking of reading had lots of illustrations and I would have needed to read it on my computer rather than my Kindle, and instead I end up reading this book about a girl who is kidnapped and her relationship with the kidnappers. Not exactly easy or light fare... but, so beautifully written and realistic! How Ms. Argyle got into these people’s heads like this is just amazing to me. The emotional depth to this book, watching Naomi grow into herself and become stronger over the time she spends with her captors; watching the way her parents grow and change over that time as well – it’s all very well-done. It’s hard to explain; you’ll just have to read it for yourself. I highly recommend it.

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